Parenthood show

So, I've been watching the Parenthood show on Netflix and now am into season 3. I swear, it takes 3 seasons to really get the flow of characters and story lines. It's really getting me hooked, I admit. I do like watching the sets and the room walls. So attractive and good ideas. I found some on pinterest and made a little board for them. I love this guys blog about Parenthood as well. The last episode I saw was when the daughter of Sarah, Amber, was in the hospital after a car crash. There was a line from the brother, Adam, which went something along the lines that family sticks together. I think this was the place where I fell in love with the show. I do get a little envious that everyone is so close and my family has always been spread out all over the country and world. But, the good thing is we do have the internet/phones and this helps. Still, nothing beats a good hug (and having dinner with your loved ones).

Today was a really rainy day. We had a playdate for the girls and I went sort of crazy cleaning/yelling at everyone. I guess I was still recovering from the week/being sick/everything. We went to Target later on and I started to feel all emotional while looking out at the rain patterns on the windows. It felt like good family time to be sitting in the car together, chatting and so on. I started to feel sad about the possibility of Lydia having to have an operation for her scoliosis if she can't wear a brace. It just scares me so much. She has 3 curves in her spine, which is unusual and why she most likely has been having such bad pain. A few days ago, she bent over to pick up our cat and couldn't move for several hours...that much pain. I hope none of my other kids have's bad enough she does. My only regret is I wish we had paid attention and caught it sooner.

I decided to make some holiday flags. I've been meaning to do this for years and finally decided to jump in. Once I stitch up the sides and set the paint (by ironing them), I'll photograph them and share. I think they look pretty cute! Just need to make some for New Years, Valentines, Easter and the 4th of July. I've got the Fall to Christmas holidays ready to roll. ;)


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