10 degrees and warming!

I know. I sound so optimistic. I'm thankful for the 2 hr delays we had but now, they are bringing us back to business now that the weather isn't 3 degrees. Still, cold but not as cold. Honestly, I thought my lips were going to burst from the cold/dry air. I'm glad I wasn't in a laughing mood last night, I know I would have spilt my lip a few times. Pulled out the chap stick, Bert's Bees and kept applying. The kids hands are all chapped and raw even with wearing gloves. It's not fun.

I can't believe it's Thursday already. So strange. Yesterday was an odd day for me...so much driving around but I got it done. I got confused about an art pick-up and then realized my work is at the other art show. I felt bad about that. The good thing is the kids got to see the downtown art museum. :) So, that is good. They want to go back for the next show and were genuinely interested. We're going to have to go to the Pittsburgh Children's museum...soon.

It's lightly snowing at the moment. I got my hearing aid and can hear much more and if I'm not careful more than I realized. I didn't know I made so many creaking sounds. lol  Hopefully, I'm the only one who can hear that.

My middle gal's hearing is 100% better. :) She feels fine and I'm so relieved. It was scary to think she might have loss from her ear infection. But it was fluid that was taken care of. Thank God. This was her 1st ear infection, I believe.

I really wish they would remedy the way people call to go to the doctors. It almost feels like you have to do this odd dance and you don't feel like doing this because you're taking care of an ill child. Stress levels go up and it's not fun.

Today should be a little calmer and not so crazy. Going to do some baking, make granola bars and start on Turkey soup. I wish I had some kidney beans to make turkey chili. Might have to go to the market...I really don't want to do that.

Poor littlest Gottshall got tired from all of the activities yesterday and wanted to be carried in the parking lot. Let's just say, my arms are feeling it now. Lord, I feel bad I can't carry him more often but it's basically 60 pounds you're walking around with. I've got to do weight training again.


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