It's a Wonderful Life
Lately, I've noticed how similar our time is to the Great Depression. Actually, I've known this for about 8 years. It shouldn't surprise me that smaller towns are hit by the economy much faster than big cities, but when I moved here, it was as if someone had smacked me in the head with how very personally effected people are by this. It's not easy and it's not fair. But you do what you have to do and thank goodness, there are many people out there willing to help.
It was one of the reasons why I had to step down from a local Children's funding was coming in. It made me want to focus on things that were very important, such as my church and especially my family. I had to give up homeschooling, in part, because it was too financially draining. This was actually a blessing because we've found a school that fits us.
So some of my dreams/goals changed and I'm all right with that. I like how going to a school has enriched my kids lives with friends and new experiences. I like how we go to a sweet and caring church that puts children first (they recently started a new program called "The Beacon" that is a haven to junior & high school aged kids). I like how people are realizing that running away from a problem doesn't solve it, much like the character George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life" finds out. It does take elbow grease, sweat, strength of character and moral integrity to make giant strides against the normal wear and tear of life...let alone against apathy and gossip. I guess I was thinking about how there is another local group being shut down, Angel Food Ministries that shut down. It's sad that so many families will be cut out of help.
And in the movie's case, a mean old man who whispers words of fear/hate and deliberately hides/steals funds from the Bailey's.
Even if George Bailey's wife didn't get everyone together to raise the funds for their bank, I think that George would have rode the tide of scandal with his head held up high because he knows now that he did a lot more good then bad. He knows that, yes, bad things happen but you get through them by working on the bad things and not running away. You see the gold in the eyes of your loved ones.