Bits and pieces of growing up
Well, my kids are off at a sleep over at their friends. When did this happen? That's what I keep thinking. How'd they grow up so dang fast? I know they still have a bit more to go (thankfully). Today, when they got their backpack ready and sleeping bags rolled into their under their arms, I thought, wow. I'm so glad they are my kiddos and so proud of them. Yeah, we have some tantrums and melt downs, but they are normal kids. They are curious, silly, a tad macabre at their parents, I guess. lol
Sometimes they really surprise me. Once we went to a shop and a person was handing out flyers for store specials. I was like, Thank you. We all passed by and then Lydia whisphered, I gave her a crazy ugly face. hehehe And I was like, "What?" I was rather surprised by her being so contrarian (like her grandpa) and had to laugh.
Speaking of which, I talked to my dad and told him he likes to argue. He was like, No, I don't. I never argue! I said, you're arguing right now and started laughing. It was nice and he started to laugh too. :)
Jon is finishing up the tree house. It's looking good. We're going to put a swing on the bottom and a tarp on the top. It should be pretty awesom. The gals wanted to sleep out in the tent up there. They actually did but about midnight we got scared, woke them up and had them go inside. lol I'm a chicken. Plus, poor Norrie was covered in bug bites. She attracts them like a magnet. Takes after my mom and hubby. Geesh...they look like welts. I'm glad they got to try this out...if it was me as a kid, I'd have stayed up half the night and wanted to go inside as soon as I heard a noise.
I'm so nervous about my painting at SAMA. I'm so honored to be in the juried show. It would be icing on the cake if I got some prize and even more so, if it sold. Still, I'm just glad it was accepted.
There is another show coming up in Bedford. I'm planning on making a large wood carving and maybe, hopefully, a large mixed media collage. I need to get busy on this as well. I'm so glad to be doing more art work and getting my work shown. :)
Also, my blog called "The Art Cafe" at the Altoona Mirror, is doing well. I put out a call that I'm looking for local artists (and any artist, really) to share their work. I got about 8 responses and 3 people have filled out the questionaire & submitted photos. It's a great way to share work and get some much needed attention to local artists in the area.
I guess I was a little down because we postphoned the Art Sale I had planned today. Gives me more time to make new things and finish other pieces. Still, it's nice to get your work out there and sell art directly to people. :) Honestly, it's tempting me to do something sort of radical in the way of exhibiting my work. It would require some cost in making a mini-gallery. It's sort of a dream of mine. We shall see. ;)