It's been some time

since I posted...just been busy! I know once we get into the school routine and esp. once the weather cools off, I'll be more inclinded to write. But as it is, the summer days are numbered and we are trying to get the most out of them.

It's funny. I thought it was August 26th...a full week in the future! So, I'm feeling glad I have more time to do a few things I wanted to get done. Funny how that worked out.

We finally did make it to the pool and I didn't realize childcare ended at noon. So, I had to take Harry with us. Fortunatley, I had his swimmer trunks and it was fun...a little scary but fun to float around. Both the kids were nervous as the water feels deeper then what they were used to (canoe creek). But we're planning on lessons next month, so hopefully this will make them more water aware.

I feel relaxed (even after having to carry Harrison for the whole time). It was nice and the people in the pool were kind and friendly. This made a difference.

well...have a good week!


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