Being busy...
Feels like the first official day of Spring and have this dread feeling for Jon's friend, J. It's so beautiful and warm...seems like nature is trying to be kind with us for once.
I just gave Odie his first bath since last Fall. He got a warm sprinkling from the sprizter and really ruffled up his feathers in joy! Giving a cockatiel a bath is one of the best experiences of having a bird. All my birds loved this...he's no exception. :)
Next, have to clean out the rat cages and think about getting a bigger/easier to clean cage. We shall see. The rat grrls are doing good and I think having two per cage might be the best for them.
I'm proactive on Lydie's room...finished priming and now will start that awful ceiling (really looks bad from the roof repair two years ago). Then, I'll have to get some of the colors she wants and start the official painting. I want to get this done. Then, it's the rest of the house...bathroom, Norrie's room, trim, etc,etc. Lots to do.
I have to finish photographing a few paintings and get them made into slides for an upcoming juried show in town. Then, I will photograph a bunch of my other projects and start sending to galleries/print places I have been researching. I feel good in this department.
At the moment, I feel tired. This stupid time change really is annoying and I'm worried about J. and it's annoying how the house feels cold even though it's 60 (!) outside.
Last night, the gals and I started seedlings and we did more today. I'm going to have to set up some shelves in the girls rooms or some place warm/safe or else I won't have anything growing. Another reason to enclose the front porch.
I think I'll make some coffee and keep cleaning/straightening up. It's amazing how much mud comes in...yuck.