Wednesday on Friday: Art pick
I recently started, and quite frankly forgot I started, a Wednesday art pick. The basic idea was to showcase stuff I've seen via the net that inspired me. Well, I found an inspiration after about a month (or 3 weeks): "City of Cute Children" is a photo collaboration to photograph every country (193) through out the world all within New York. I just felt like this was really beautiful for several reasons. The most obvious, to me, is how we are all connected. The second is this reminds me so much of California and specifically, Southern California. One example is the elementary school I went to (Cheremoya) and Cal State LA. Basically, we had such a huge amount of people from all over the world at both places...from all economic classes and backgrounds. Quite unique really and one that has forever influenced me in many aspects of my life. At the time, I didn't realize how unique it was but now that I live in a small town and a pretty small world (yet, one that is changing), I see how wonderfully fascinating it was. So, I hope you'll check out the video link above and it will give you some perspective of how we are all really here together on a small bit of earth and how fragile we all really are.