Illustration Friday: Blue

Several ideas came to mind...but this one just flowed right out...

Titled: Something borrowed, Something blue

I was inspired by Carla'sIF's illustrations of women. And Frida Kahlo's self portraits. Self Portrait by Kahlo


Todd DeWolf said…
I love the the delicate features of her face and the title of this piece. Nice take on the theme. Well done.
carla said…
I really like the gentle and pensive expression on her face. She does have a Frida Kahlo feeling to her as well! I like that you used just that one touch of really provides a good interpretation of the topic. And...thank you for the mention...that's so nice of you:>
Unknown said…
Lovely expressive painting!
LDahl said…
Lovely hot sizzle of pink, but the hand!! :O It is a blue hand not quite as it seems on first look.
Interesting and so Frida!!!
Anonymous said…
WOW ... the pink makes the blue so blue! She has one hand but holds a hanky?
Emily said…
Thanks for the comments!

About the painting, the missing hand and colors are representative of patriotism, in other words, blue, red (or watered down red: pink) and white (missing hand). Something borrowed and something blue...the hand is borrowed and something blue is the tears she sheds.

Anyway, I was thinking about the US soldiers coming home with parts of them left behind.
Anonymous said…
Oooh! I am glad you explained that-that explanation really adds richness to the illustration.
Debbie said…
lovely :)

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