illustration friday: Empty

By their fruits you will know them.

Multi-media piece...Acrylic watercolor photoshop


Julie said…
i really like it!
i did a a bush-themed illo for "empty" too- W's head just popped into my mind the moment i thought of the word "empty" :p
Anonymous said…

my "empty" piece is pretty similar-- bush-themed, pop-culture-themed... it should be done tomorrow, and then it will be up on my site. (i ran out of adhesive after all the shops had closed!)
Aravis said…
This is a really great illustration. So true!
Anonymous said…
love the passion behind this...powerful enough in colour and stroke, it doesn't even need words!
Emily said…
Thank you for the comments. Bush seemed very
Tony LaRocca said…
Extremly powerfull
Alison Ashwell said…
a very strong piece- excellent

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