Dog baths...

I know, I know I keep writing about my new dog, Mr. Nelson. What can I say? He's really exciting since he's only 8 months old and very hyper (one of the traits of the Bichon).

Today, I gave him a bath. Actually, I gave everyone a bath and then I gave Mr. Nelson a bath too. I had to use baby wash (that's all I had). He was starting to smell. It's not the end of the world if he smells but it helps to have a not so brown look to his white fur.

He's a lot skinnier than I thought he was going to be. I suspected he'd be trim, but I didn't realize he was that skinny underneath. He looks so puppy-ish with the muscular upper body typical of pups that like to jump on you. I'd say for a first dog, I could have done a lot worse. He's pretty patient too. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worst bath ever) this was probably a 2. He didn't like the hair dryer and started to snap at it...all I saw was a blurr of little white teeth in his dark mouth. I'm still not used to dogs, I think. All I've ever had was cats and smaller animals. So, this is really different. I think Mr. Nelson is finally tired out. He likes to follow me everywhere (he's not allowed in the studio and the basement...too much dirt he could track around the house and I don't want him to go crazy in the studio until I fix it up).

Peanut butter. It is true that dogs love this stuff. As do toddlers, apparently. I took Mr. Nelson out for 10 minutes and came back to find my 2.5 year old Lydia smearing peanut butter on the storm windows. She had decided to paint the rug too and the cupboards. Mr. Nelson tried to help but it was just too much. It's been one of those days.

Weather-wise, it's awful. Cold, stingy rain is falling (sometimes turning to ice droplets) and making the steps unsafe not to mention uncomfortable to just be out. I still have to go to the post office and mail my packages. I hate that. I wonder if my dad-in-law is available to help out...:-)

Went to my parents-in-laws Christmas Choir. It was nice...though the first half was way religious...over kill if you ask me. People will just get burned out...and the reason most people go to a Christmas choir is for Christmas music...not someones religious music. Some might argue they are the same, but not in my opinion. You don't hear "Away in the Manger" or "Silent Night" any other time of the year...unless you've got a quirky church. Otherwise, it's all around the holidays you here this stuff. I love Christmas music too. I get all emotional and happy and for a few moments I can imagine what that rebel Jesus was about. It's unfortunate that a lot of religions take out Jesus' preaching on the Mount and anti-consumerist ways. There are some churches that are more open to this interpretation but they are rare endangered species.

I was talking to a friend and I made the comment that we should give to charities instead of gifts. We could do that next year and only give the kids a few things and to charities for ourselves. She was totally opposed to this! I was truly surprised. She's what you'd call a good Catholic but she wants her gifts. Later on, she said she wouldn't mind not getting a gift but she had to give people something. I think she felt guilty. It's odd because I didn't mean to make her feel bad and I really thought/think it's a good idea.

I guess I feel this way because of what happened with my parents. They've had the worse luck/trouble recently with the court system in LA and have lost their home and several pieces of property. Besides this, the person who did this to them destroyed so much of their belongings. Everything from family photos, my moms hand made quilts she made, my father's work tools, my brothers things, beds, clothing etc. At the same time as this was happening my father is going through blindness (he has glaucoma)and mental stress. They tried to get a lawyer to no avail. And my mom is depressed about everything. I've even tried to help in my own way with letters but nothing has happened for the better. They were on the streets for a month at one point.

Now, the good news. They have gotten a little apartment and can start to make a new life (my dad is still trying to fight what mom is sorting what she can salvage from the tons of trash bags they put her stuff in). But it's hard. All my childhood memories of stuff, family chairs and items, destroyed, lost and stolen. I'm sad and angry about what has happened. But then I started to think about this. It's just stuff. Sure, it was totally wrong to happen and probably could have been prevented. But it's stuff. My parents are alive, my brothers are fine. They have been totally screwed mentally but they are still here. I think about people in Iraq and I feel so awful about their situation. And I realize what my parents have gone through could be so much worse and thank all that is good, it isn't. Do I count my blessings? I assure you that I do, everyday. I'm blessed with health, a sound mind, a healthy and happy family of my own and so much more. I might be in debt, but I have so much. It's really amazing how much I have. How much so many have. And if anyone is reading my writings, how much you have dear reader.

That's why I think it's good to tithe your self. I don't have a religion and I don't care to really have one. But I do believe giving back (no matter how small or big)is one of the better parts of religions and of the Bible.

Anyway, just my thoughts about this time of year and the potential to do good.

Now, I'm off to do some artwork...I hope!


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