cold weather...

The temp dropped about 8 it's 4 degrees right now with a -7 wind chill. I don't like this. It was sunny today but, not warm in the least. I forgot and went outside to get the kids after having washed dishes. Did you know that even if your hands are "dry" from doing dishes, they will start to freeze in the air because your skin retains some of the water? It's terribly painful. :(

Also, my tooth is hurting, I'm worried about my son (he has hydrocephalus), I'm depressed about my sister in law passing, sad that we're going to be putting our dog down (Scout, who has organ failure), and it has been cold for with no break in between. yes, I know there is a lot to be thankful for and I am. I feel better venting...and I did do some productive things today. I made a lovely kale soup and a turkey tortilla casserole which everyone liked. This is amazing!  So, in that regard I'm really so pleased.

I feel like my relationship with my kids is growing and getting better (HUGE blessing) and even if I'm stuck in the house there are garden supplies to be bought, things to do and plan and most of feeling like I can get things done little by little.

I would love to have a roaring fire going but looks like the firewood people are all used up and they have not been returning calls. :( Oh, well...

On a smaller note, I made the famous crayon lip gloss (with coconut oil) and love it! Really worked well for me. I also made a lip scrub and coconut oil/bess wax lotion. They say the best time to use it is after you've showered. So, I'll do that and especially after doing the dishes.

Otherwise, I've been doing my art and have some new things to sell/share. I just wish I didn't feel so tired mentally. I know it's 80% the cold and feeling down and eventually, things will get better. Stuff really sucks when loved ones have suffered so much and leave you. I hope to make new friends, strengthen older relationships and learn new things in this little life we have. That's really all I can hope for...and hopefully, make this world a little better. I just really wish I didn't have aching joints from the cold. lol Tea and cozy time, I think.


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