
Finally raining! I hope it's not just one downpour but a steady, Earth soaking, stream filling, puddle forming rain that lasts for several hours. The ground was so dry and I felt sorry for the trees and all the little plants that had dried up. I missed a few pots as well and was sad to see them go. If you missed 1 day of watering, they were fried. Awful!

Since we are home bound, I think I may do some baking. It's still warm but I think it might be a good way to use up the bountiful amount of zucchini we have. lol People have given us some too, so this adds to the pot. Maybe I'll make some soup too.

Yesterday, we were supposed to go to church but were running way too late (Harrison had a huge accident in the crib, again, and by the time I had cleaned him off and my self, it was a quarter till 11). Annoying. They were going to have church in the rectory w/ air conditioning. I was excited about this...also, I want to have a tour of the church and see the different sections that were original to the building. I'm still hoping to find evidence of John Brown and the Underground railroad in there.

We did have 1 downpour yesterday. Jon and I ran outside, danced and spun around like kids. It was great! I want to do that again. Plus, we filled up a lot of tubs of water. I need a rain barrel.

Later, the gals and Jon went to a baseball game and I stayed home w/the sleeping little Mister Harrison. He was so tired (a friend of the kids came over and she is great to have over...lots of energy). I got to see some films, do a bunch of wood carving (yes!) and sharpen my tools. So pleased.

I found out there is a wood carving group that meets up the street from me and I plan on going this week. I'm VERY excited and so pleased. I need to have contacts to help w/ techniques, tools and so on. :) Maybe I'll make them a simple blog...cause they don't have anything on-line.

I have to get my self going...time to clean up some stuff (wood shavings on the dining room table), do some sketching, and maybe some chores. I did a half hour on the Wii exercise thing and felt so good. I have to do that again too. I'm pleased the kids got out to a ballgame.

Two great things: Jon is off in a few days for a much needed vacation time and my sister is going out to lunch with my mom for the first time in years! :) It's a great day!


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