Great day~

I'm starting to become a believer of spontaneity. Recently, I was approached by a group, The Newcomers, and they wanted to do a Winter Coat drive/give-away at the museum. I had a total feeling of yes, let's do it. We had our coat give-away today and it was a HUGE success! People came and got coats, sweaters, warm clothing...I even picked up a few coats for my gals. It was a wonderful feeling as many people were amazed by this and it's one of the best feelings being able to help people for the sake of helping. No expectations, just give the coats away and reach out to those who need. People even got things for people they knew and their friends. The generosity expanded even more.

Plus, many people came to help out...this was a joint effort by the Newcomers group in the area and I was very impressed by the strength and perseverance of the women. It esp. touched my heart to hear their stories and that we were all doing this because we wanted to. To me, this was God in action.


vivian said…
yes, that was a great thing to host. we have them in our county at a couple different churchs.. our caseworkers always take their clients to get coats for them and their kids! It does make you feel good to do things like this doesnt it?
vivian said…
hey, me again emily. Im trying to close out the halloween doll swap. just wondering if youve mailed your doll yet and if you took a picture ot send to me. Let me know where youre at with this soon so I can finish this up. Thanks! also, I'm really excieted about our other swap and hadnt recieved anything yet just want to be sure it didnt get lost in the mail!
Emily said…
Hi, Vivian!
Nothing was lost as nothing has been mailed...been sick/tired out for the last few days. I'm getting my act together and mailing out everything Monday. Just so overwhelmed...and being pregnant/sick makes it a bit harder. I'm feeling A LOT better! :)

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