Feeling better

Well, I did a half hour on the bike downstairs...feeling a bit better. For some reason, I've been thinking about the bike and doing half hour workouts but just didn't. Honestly, the downstairs needs painted and is a bit gloomy. I have been working down there getting my studio area together, cleaning, throwing out stuff and freecycling...so the atmosphere is a bit more inviting but still needs light. Plus, it's dusty and I'd like to get the place vacuumed, etc. But I did my half hour and feel pretty good, actually. Also, I'm listening to Ink Spell on tape by Cornelia Funke. I love it. It's so good, really and listening I can bike or do artwork and not feel like I'm "all alone and lonely". Not that I have that problem very often (the cats follow me around or else it's everyone else in the house. I'm not complaining!).

Anyway, I'm enjoying this book quite a bit, actually. I might have to get the books someday but for now, tapes are so great! I highly recommend this...stimulates the brain and gives such great imagery/mental pictures.

I woke early today...7am. Not really that early as I'm used to but enough to start the day. Jon rolled over and went back to sleep...he takes his days off seriously. I hope we get a bit of painting done in Lydia's room. I'm sorry to say, I've neglected that room far too long. Christmas makes it hard to get the normal stuff done, I guess.

Well, I've got to send off a late gift and card. This year I have two New Year's resolution. 1. 3 workouts a week 2. Organize my to do lists per month. I think this is a good goal. If I organize per month, I'll know who's birthday's coming up, what's on the plan and not feel so scattered/last minute. This is a good plan and one that I feel is realistic for me.

I can't believe it's 2007. I hope this year will bring more peace, happiness to the world. I hope this year blessings will unfold for my family and extended families. I also hope that whatever path we are on, we don't bump into others but rather nod in kindness and patience. I know this is something I'm working on. I notice when I'm driving, if I'm stressed for time, I am not at my best. And when people aren't what I expected, I tend to take offence easily. So, I'm going to work on that and remember the phoenix. We are all burned by fire, but how will we emerge? Do we die with the ashes or do we become reborn into something more beautiful?


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