Been busy again...

Happiness is making a little something for someone that doesn't expect it.

Well, I moved Norrie back into her own room finally. It got to the point where she was pulling Lydia's hair from her crib. I was wondering why Lydia was frustrated with Norrie. Hopefully, things can return to some sense of normal.

Been working on the Unitarian campus flyer for students. People loved the ideas. That's cool...I didn't get to go because our baby sitters forgot. You can't blame them too much as they do it for free (grandparents, you know). Still, it really was an inconvenience. So, I missed El Camposino night with the UU's. That stinks. But Jon brought me some take out.

There's a ton I want to write about but am feeling a bit rushed. I can hear the girls pounding on something...most likely the doors.

Nelson ate a half tub of butter and threw up for the rest of the evening and morning. Pretty disgusting...he's a small dog but he can jump like an Olympic champion.

It's been humid and warm but nice. I had a migraine the other day and I was rather miserable. Glad that it's over. I couldn't do anything even though the girls were napping. Even sleeping was a pain as my room was really bright (for some reason I didn't think of closing the was that bad). But today I feel so much better...thankfully.


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