Illustration Friday: Karma

What a tough word...let me just say this now. It was really tough and I was close to not putting up an illustration for this week. Give me something generic! Something bland and maybe not boring but just a bit more room for interpretation. Well, here's my interpretation...

Actually, Jon came up with this one based on the bumper sticker, "My karma ran over your dogma". Cute, actually...:)


Kim Carney said…
Very clever interpretation. I thought this one was difficult to illustrate
interesting work.. now makes me grin.. a bit. well this is also an interesting subject at illo.
Fern Lady said…
Hi Emily- I think you were not alone in finding this topic hard to illustrate. But this is a cute little drawing. I really like your blog and will come visit again :)
Anonymous said…
very cute! sounds like you need a little karma to happen to your next door neighbours, they sound horrid! just keeping thinking "they'll get a taste of their own medicine one day"...not that it'll take much of the sting out of their daily harrassment. you are entitled to use your property however you please in peace and quiet. just call the cops next time, and tell them the dogs frighten your kids...hee hee...or get them cited for noise pollution at least!
Aravis said…
Karma runs over dogma? Absolutely wonderful! *G*
Emily said…
Thanks, everyone for your comments. Also, for the suggestions (Kerry) on our neighbors. We have a few options we're going to try. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Thanks, Fern lady and love your name!

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