Illustration Friday...

Okay, I am/was/maybe going to do an actual illustration but I've got an interview today and I just wanted to put something up. Plus, both kids are down with the flu. Let's just say, I've done something close to 15 loads of laundry in the past two days. So, I'm putting up my entry for Month of Softies. The theme was recycled monster...but I don't know if mine are really monster-ish. Then I thought well, they're more like ambitious eggs. So, I give you the "Dancing Egg". I give credit to Niina for the name! :-)

If you'd like to see an operatic interpretation of the "Velveteen Rabbit" or, rather the "Eggalteen Rabbit" scroll down and check out my April post. :-)

If I have time, I will do an actual illustration...


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