Talking to my mom and baking...

Sometimes you just need to call home and talk to mama...and things start to feel a bit better. We talked and my poor mom is suffering from some really bad rash on her foot...had to go the podiatrist and she is getting better. I sent her the book "True Grit". I love that book...about a young girl and how she seeks to avenge her fathers death. Believe they made that into a movie with John Wayne.

We also talked and she was worried about me...I guess I've really been venting here on the ol' blog and though it has helped me deal with this crazy world, I feel I need to ease up on the stories of what's happening down in the Gulf. I'm going to focus on what I can do. What I can send and help and all that good stuff. I also watched sad, grotesque and compassionate images on Oprah the other day. Oprah looked like she was having a hard time with it too...she looked very sad.

In other news, I've been doing a lot of art with kids. I love my art classes and I hope the kids are getting something from it too. Plus, I love doing it. I didn't feel like waking up today and getting stuff done but I did anyway. I realized I didn't have my coffee and after I did I felt better but I drank it too late in the day and was a bit jittery.

However, I managed to make little aprons I wanted to do for the kids in my class and Lydia got jealous. So, I made her one too and Norrie and the sister of the girl (she's two years old too) in my art class.

They are simple aprons but the colors are smashing and bright and geez, I want one now too! I'll have photographs up later.

Now, I'm baking cookies and Lydia said these are perfect mommy! What a compliment and she helped too! I'm so proud of her.

Next week, my mom and dad-in-law are going away to Michigan for a tour of the lighthouses. That means I'll have to adjust for no baby sitters...we will see what happens. I'm a little nervous because I'll have lots of kids to manage. And lately, my little ones are catching on they aren't getting as much attention when there are other kids around. lol Plus, piano lessons start for three of my students. At the same time, I'm so glad I have these abilities to share.

Well, gotta go check on the cookies!


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