The Good Samaritan and Why we shouldn't let incompetence get away...

Excerpt from the Wikimedia

"...the lawyer quotes the basic law of loving God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and all your mind, and the parallel law of loving one's neighbour as oneself, Jesus says that he has answered correctly— "Do this and you will live," he tells him.
When the lawyer then asks Jesus to tell him who his neighbour is, Jesus responds with a parable about a traveler who was attacked, robbed, stripped, and left for dead by the side of a road. Later, a priest saw the stricken figure and avoided him, presumably in order to maintain ritual purity. Similarly, a Levite saw the man and ignored him as well. Then a Samaritan passed by, and, despite the mutual antipathy between his and the Jewish populations, immediately rendered assistance by giving him first aid and taking him to an inn to recover while promising to cover the expenses.
At the conclusion of the story, Jesus asks the lawyer, of the three passers-by, who was the stricken man's neighbour? When the lawyer responds that it was the man who helped him, Jesus responds with "Go and do the same."

This is why we should not let our government get away with their lack of immediate aid. Whatever they say is meant to passify people. Jesus would not have let them get away with this. They didn't act as neighbors. They are our own "elected" officials and they did nothing for one week. Before this, they took money from the levee and weakened the structure...much like the Johnstown flood in the 1800's.

We should not let this go. Write to your congress people, give aid and remember. Arianna Huffington's Blog
(Thanks, Joyce!)


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